Sunday, May 29, 2011

Weekend Festivals

With Summer’s arrival, all the local festivals and fairs are kicking into high gear, which means lots of junk food and then more junk food for dessert. This weekend is the first big one that supports the farm/school program, which introduces kids to agriculture on a firsthand basis. We worked at the past two events, first with TT and then at the pizza stand. It was a lot of work, though I’d rather be a helper than a bystander.

This year, we were not planning on really doing much, but I was contacted by the volunteer committee to see if I was interested in helping out, and I figured why not? I would always like to help, and again, being a part of the action is much more satisfying than simply attending as a guest. Not only do you get to hang with the in-crowd, but you’re helping out for a great event, and it’s a chance for the kids to join in, too.

We’ll see how this works out, but I’d love to join in on the party. Sure, I won’t get anything done around the house, but at least I’ll be having fun.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Jeffrey Collingwood for the pic.

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