Friday, December 14, 2012

Back to Karate

I’ve been a total flake when it comes to karate, and part of me feels really bad, but another part of me, about 98%, is just way too busy. Karate night is tough because the kids both have hockey, and I help coach the younger players. A has her practice, which was moved from another night, and N gets to skate with the younger team, which is actually closer to his age since he’s the youngest kid on his team.

The coach, TG, has a son who plays with N, and two daughters who play with the mites, so he coaches both teams. Talk about busy. He is alone coaching the mites, nobody else is willing to step up and help, and since N and I are there anyway watching A, I offered to come and help. I asked if N could skate, as well, and he said fine. So it works out nicely. I get to help out, and N gets more ice time as well as skill development.

The one downside is I don’t get to sit and relax and just watch A’s practice, but such is life. Who needs time to relax, anyway?

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Torogoz El Salvador for the pic.

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