Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Not So Fuzzy Feeling

There’s no question that we are hockey crazy over here. N got the ball rolling, and I think of it as really his thing, but you realize that he’s still pretty new to the game, especially relative to the other kids, some of whom have been skating since they were three, and playing hockey for 5-6 years. This is N’s second year, so he’s still catching up, but doing a fine job.

Anyway, with so much to learn, there’s bound to be some bumps in the road, especially when you have a hardcore coach like DF. Throw in some enthusiastic dads who don’t know how to keep their cool, and it can get pretty intense during games, what with parents and coaches and players barking out orders. The other day at a game, N was given directives in a less than soft and fuzzy manner, and he took it to heart, more than he needed to. He’s a sensitive boy, and it upset him. I think he really gets bummed when he thinks he did something wrong, which is unwarranted because everyone does something wrong. We’re learning here.

Anyway, after the game, N was crabby and grouchy, and we had to explain to him that in the heat of the game, ideas are not always expressed in a tactful manner, and he shouldn’t take it personally. I think the coaches believe in N and his potential, but when you’re a kid, it’s hard to grasp that. You just remember getting yelled at.

I don’t know if it helps, but the coaches yell at every kid, not to mention the other coaches, some just take it harder than others. It’s possible the message stung a little more because he was aware that he did something wrong. Who knows? All that matters is that he understands it’s not a question of fault, it’s about learning the game and making mistakes along the way. We all do it.

He says he still loves the game, and he’s getting better every day, so we’ll just go with that.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Tom Olliver for the pic.

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