Thursday, October 6, 2011

More On Ski Gear

We took A’s skis in to Henderson’s for a tune-up, they’re having a fall special on them, so we scored a good deal. We ended up getting N some new goggles, and he was excited about that, mainly because they are cool and he really likes them. I was pleased by the fact that they weren’t that expensive because, as I’ve mentioned, kid’s stuff costs less, and Henderson’s has great deals.

A, on the other hand, wants over the glasses goggle, which are more of specialized item, and costs a bit more. However, as I’ve also mentioned, I’m all for her wearing her glasses when she skis, so I’m going to shop around a bit and find her a pair she likes, or at least likes enough to wear. We can’t afford to be too fancy and picky over here, or rather, we find that mindset misguided.

On the whole, we’re still getting our acts together for winter, slowly putting all the pieces together. Granted, we have time, but it’s nice to deal with it now rather than scrambling once the snow falls to be ready. Plus, when you have some time, you increase your changes of finding good deals, even used stuff at the Listen, and I’m all for that.

We’re still pondering the whole season pass thing. It’s a lot of money to ski in one place, and we like variety, so it may not happen. We’re exploring some options, so stay tuned for more.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Bjarte Kvinge Tvedt for the pic.

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