Friday, March 9, 2012

Return of Green in the Green Mountain State

Well, if you can believe it or not, the time has come to rekindle Green in the Green Mountain State. Now that hockey is winding down, I’ll have more time to not only do more writing/blogging, but I can return to my real-man training in the wilds of Vermont. Then again, it doesn’t get any more real-man-ish than playing hockey, right? I will say this, I’m going to miss hockey. As my friend JB said, I’m going to have to go through a 12-step program once the season is over. Then again, there’s always summer hockey.

The main reason that I’m revisiting this blog is because the barn project has been cruising along, albeit without my incompetent hands. As anyone who followed this blog might know, the barn has been moving at a snail’s pace, and as much as I’d like to take credit for its completion, I just don’t have the wherewithal to get it done, though in all fairness, I did manage to frame the windows and put up the sheathing, which was no small task (the male ego is such a fragile thing, is it not?)

Anyway, the reality is, it was time for some professional help. Enter KB. The guy is amazing. Then again, it’s what he does for a living, and he does it well. You really see the difference between a professional and a novice like myself, the biggest of which is things actually get done. Now in true contractor fashion, he’s got other projects going that take up his time, but on the whole, the barn is getting done. It’s pretty amazing stuff.

AND, I’ve been given work duties. In the beginning, I helped KB do some floor work and some minor framing, but on the whole, I think he clued into the fact that my presence was not a dependable phenomenon, so he brought in outside help and things really started to move along.

What that means is, more content for this other blog, which speaks more to any real men out there who don’t want to read about homemaking, cleaning, and brownie recipes, but would rather read about power tools, sweat, blood and guts. Real man stuff.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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