Thursday, July 18, 2013

Family Tennis

The rain had gotten us down because it just seemed endless, so when we finally got some nice weather, were we ever happy. The first few days without rain were fabulous, sunny and warm, but breezy, dry, and not too hot. Just perfect.

I worked outside on the barn and yard, but if you can believe this, the kids stayed inside and did origami projects and played Monopoly. It’s nice they were able to entertain themselves, but they sort of missed out on the first beautiful day of summer. When mom got home, she was surprised (a little incensed, perhaps?) that the kids didn’t go out, and after supper, she insisted that we get out and do something. We decided on a game of family tennis, followed by tending our garden plot, which is right next to the tennis court.

N and I drove over with the rackets and stuff, and R and A walked through the woods along the trails. I have to say, it was a lot of fun playing tennis, and personally, being the totally objective person that I am, I think N has come along rather nicely as a tennis player. We can actually rally and are moving towards playing an actual game. We both really enjoy it, and it’s a nice way to make the most of the nice weather.

R and A showed up and we had a family tennis match, and again, it was a lot of fun. Tennis is one of those games that you can really enjoy if you don’t take it too seriously, i.e, you’re not too competitive. Afterward, we walked to the garden, did some weeding and watering, and then went home. It was, to say the least, a really nice way to end the day. We should do it more often.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to mary piepmeier for the pic.

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