Monday, July 8, 2013

Landscape Mania

The weather has been just awful, alternating between stifling heat and torrential rain. It’s a horrible combination that makes doing yard work difficult, but not impossible. It’s much better to cut the grass when it’s dry, but you do what you have to do, right? It’s also nicer to work outside when it’s not 90 degrees with 95% humidity, but you can’t have it all.

We finally got a break from the rain, and I figured it was now or never to cut the grass. All that rain really makes it grow fast, as well, which can make it chore on the lawnmower. I went out in the AM and got started, and pretty much did in one day what I normally break up into three days. Believe me, it was brutal, but at least the lawn looks better. I find I’m a little anal retentive about the lawn (and everything else in life) because it’s the one thing I know how to deal with, as opposed to building a barn or drywalling a vestibule, which the Amazing PR Man is all too aware of.

I also broke out the weed whacker and cleared the tall grassy areas, which is nice because that tall grass really makes the yard look messy. I have this grand plan to do extensive landscaping in the overgrown areas, and I got my foot in the door on this project, but it’s going to take all summer. N also requested that we make a bike path through the property so he can ride his BMX bike around and get crazy. He charted out a path and we cut and cleared it, but as of now, it’s really swampy because of the rain, so it’s hard to navigate. Once it dries out, things will be much better.

Finally, we worked on filling the ruts in our driveway, which is another story, in and of itself, so I’ll leave it at that. I will say this, N was very helpful, and willingly so. You gotta love that.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Graham Detonator for the pic.

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