Friday, June 6, 2014

Market Watch

I can't completely wrap my head around this (either that, or I'm in denial), but we are doing the market again this year. I have been trying to block it out of my mind for the past month, but our day of reckoning has arrived, and I can't believe it. Then again, sometimes you have to face your demons and just deal with it, right? The reality is, I don't want to do it, and have been scrambling to get my glorious freelance writing career on track to supplant the extra income, but have thus far fallen short. Things are moving on the writing front, however, so it's not all bad.

I will say this, the market is an income generator, and that's no small thing. Even if my glorious writing career was right on track, the extra cash flow is always welcome, especially with hockey and travel needs on the horizon. With that in mind, to the market we will go. This requires loads of preparation but more importantly, finding our footing once again. As we get the drill down, it will become easier, but the first time back is always a challenge. Besides, we tend to learn and adjust as we go.

This past week I went to Sterns and got the veggies that we will require, especially loads of parsley, which is not easy to find in large quantities. It also meant making the falafels. R has been busy with work things so it was up to me to get it done. I ground and cooked, and it wasn't so bad. The weather has been nice, so I like being outside. Speaking of weather, the forecast called for beautiful weather until market day, on which they predicted thunder storms. Some things never change.

I spent a good chunk of yesterday morning cooking the falafels, and it went down to the wire. Somehow in the past we used to cook the falafels the day of the market, which I find hard to fathom because there's never enough time. Yesterday we had book club, lax, and track, so we had to be out the door by noon. This meant setting up the cooking station, cooking the falafels, then breaking down the tent and cleaning up the cooking gear before heading to book club. I still needed to get some stuff for the market, so I dropped the kids off and went shopping, then picked them up and headed to the next event. Never a dull moment, as the saying goes.

A's track event coincided with N's lax, so I arranged for her to get a ride. After N's lax, we rejoined the girls back home. Since her track season is over, they had their year-end BBQ, so N and I were able to score some vittles, i.e., I didn't have to cook.

Just another day in paradise, right? Market should be interesting, so stay tuned for more.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Neal1960 for the pic. 

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