Friday, October 29, 2010

Stood Up

So I got stood up by JF, who said he'd help me with my website. Yet another example of the pitfalls of relying on free advice to get something done. I can't tell you how many times things have fallen through with this website, and in the end, I'm the fool for waiting around and hoping someone will magically come through for me. I need to just do it myself and stop whining (who's whining?)

I'd spoken to JF a few times before the big fateful day. He works near the Howe library, so the plan was to meet him there in the afternoon. I had to meet with CiH's brother, RH, who happens to be JH's brother and CH's uncle, as well. Are we connected to this family, or what?

RH came over and we discussed painting matters, since he's a painter, and we could have gone on all day because there is so much to learn. At some point, looking at the clock, I told him we had to go. I was carting the kids with me to the Howe, where they'd entertain themselves while I talked Web design with JF. I was worried they'd get bored, but as usual, they did a stellar job of entertaining themselves. They're such good kids, objectively speaking, of course.

Anyway, we got there on time, and I sat and waited... and waited. JF never showed up. I tried calling his number, but it was either busy or I couldn't get through. Finally, after an hour, I emailed him with the realization that it wasn't going to happen. He emailed me back and apologized that he'd gotten wrapped up in something and forgot.

Shot down in flames again. Truth be told, after fiddling around with this program, I think I can pull this off. Sure, it's not going to be a top notch, award winning website, but at least it will be of my own making, and won't set me back hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. I spoke to one person who said the guy who did his site, which for the record is beautiful, charges $2000. I almost dropped to the floor when I heard that.

We also saw our friends the Macks, sans AM, which was a bit of a relief. The kids are growing fast, and it was nice catching up.

The librarian commented on how well A&N entertain themselves and don't create a fuss. I'd have to agree. By about 6:00, R arrived, and we headed over to Boloco for our usual feast. I didn't get any help for my website, but again, I've got nobody to blame but myself for not simply doing it (can you hear the violin music in the background?)

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Richard Dudley for the pic.

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