Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy Birthday to Us

Yesterday was our big birthday, and we celebrated it in typical, non-descript style, just the way we like it.  This was the cake I requested. For the record, no word from my mom or brother.

We spent the morning hanging out and taking care of life issues. The kids made wonderful cards and presents (jewelry) for us, and A wrote a song which was amazing. Then we went for a walk to Stella’s for lunch. From there we went to the garden to pick tomatoes and trim the plants, then back home to prepare for our hike. We wanted to have supper on top of Mt. Tom, but had to take care of some things on the practical end.

We ended up getting a bit of a late start on our hike since the days are getting shorter, but with a little inspiration and determination, we headed over to Woodstock and hiked to the summit of the mountain. There were people up there but they left soon after we arrived and we had the place to ourselves. We unpacked our picnic, at a wonderful supper (with birthday cake from Lou’s, my favorite), and then had to head back down. Luckily, we planned it properly and brought headlamps to help us see. This was incredible foresight, because it was pitch black by the time we were halfway down. Not only is it spooky, but hiking down a mountain with zero visibility is not the safest thing to do. Then again, it added to the adventure aspect of it all.

We ended our nice day with a video, and then it was time for bed. Boy, you know you’re getting old when you look forward to watching Downton Abbey to cap off your birthday.

I will say this. One indicator that it was indeed a great day was that it really felt like a Saturday, when in fact it was Tuesday. You just can’t beat that, especially when you’re surrounded by the people you want to be with (our family) in a place you love to be, i.e., home.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to chocolatebakery for the pic.

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