Monday, July 27, 2009


Boy, in the aftermath of a hellish week of camp, I found myself sitting around the house unable to do anything and at a loss of any sort of rhythm. Life really is a delicate balancing act, don't you think? One simple disruption and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.

Either way, it was a wonderful week for the kids, even if it put mom and dad through the ringer. I don't know how parents do it, and I still think the busy schedules that we make for ourselves and our kids has the profound effect of eroding the structure of the nuclear family. I see it in practice when our lives get crazy. Not only is quality family time spent together completely disrupted, if not elminated altogether, but many of the important aspects of lives is compromised. This includes quiet time for reflection and the ever-so important family meal. In fact, I understand why the whole convenience food market is so strong-when you've got a full schedule and are busy earning your paycheck and shuttling your kids to assorted camps and activities, who has time to cook, much less sit down to a meal together.

While parents (at least every parent I know) may feel justified in sacrificing good, healthy eating together as a family because of their busy schedules, I really don't think this makes it right. The whole over-scheduling thing is completely voluntary, and while you may not think it has no consequences, think again. The whole stability of the nuclear family has gone out the window, and we no longer value the basic and simple qualities of our lives. It has become all wrapped up in two activities-the process of making money and the process of spending it. One begets the other.

It's interesting how our values have evolved to the point where we no longer place time with our families ahead of working for the man and making him rich. When you really get down to it, your job values you only for what you can give to it, and once that is compromised, forget about loyalty. Your time for them is done. Simple cold and callous economics involved here.

The love of your family, on the other hand, is unconditional. With this in mind, are we giving it the attention (our attention!) that it deserves?

Hardly, but don't get me started (too late?). Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Kostya Kisleyko for the pic.

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