Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bell-ing the Cats

The cats have been on a rampage, killing various rodents and birds with cold blooded efficiency. That’s what cats do, but it’s kind of a bummer, even for me. I like birds, though I could do without squirrels and chipmunks, even though they’re kind of cute.

Anyway, we decided to end the senseless slaughter and put bells on our cats. Sure, it would lessen their fun, but they could still enjoy the stalking part. The goal would be to hopefully lower their rate of success. We got the collars at W. Leb Feed and Supply, and put them on the cats when we got home. They didn’t resist, and we figured we were home free.

However, within a few hours, I noticed that both the cats were collar free. Somehow they had managed to lose the things, either on purpose or by accident, and they were back to being killing machines. Sure enough, when R was home and we were sitting around the deck, Dusty pounced into the bushes and came out with a chipmunk in her mouth. R and the kids rushed over and saved the thing, but R was incensed and scolded us for not putting the collars on properly. Bummer.

Oh well, back to the drawing board. Life on the wild frontier is not without its share of drama.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to tim & annette for the pic.

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