Monday, June 27, 2011

It Never Ends

Boy, sometimes you do everything to cover your bases, and you still get sucked into the vortex. I took the kids to ultimate frisbee last night with every intention of just sitting it out, and of course I got cajoled into playing. I even showed up in jeans and boots, but they needed a player, and how could I not help out?

I don’t know where kids get the energy, but N had played hockey for almost two hours right before, and still wanted to do UF. I couldn’t believe it. The day had started out as usual, making dumplings for the market. The weather was gray and miserable as usual, but at some point in the afternoon, it got nicer, and even warm, though not much in the way of sun. I figured if it rained we could skip UF.

N has hockey on the brain, and wanted to play more. It just so happened that the hockey rink has all sorts of summer skills camps. I contacted the coach/director DF, and he said they’d love to have N join in, though he would probably be playing with kids who had more experienced. I thought it would be fine, and the best way to elevate his game.

The practice went until about 6:00, and UF starts at 6:00, so the plan was to skip UF since we were busy. The kids were incensed, especially A, who is now a UF lover, as well. Being the big softie marshmallow that I am, I gave in and said we could do both, though it baffled me how N had the energy. I get tired just thinking about it.

We got out of hockey, jetted home to pick up A, then off to the green where the game had already started. There were not as many players so they welcomed us. One of the guys left, so they were one short. They were trying to convince one of the moms to join, but she wouldn’t budge. Finally, I gave in and said I’d play, and proceeded to take off my boots and socks and jump in. I would have played in my boxer shorts, but it was thankfully cooler at that point. In fact, a beautiful evening, perfect for UF.

We played until about 8:00, then N had a quick bath. The kids watched a quick video while R and I made the last batch of dumplings and I cooked them. Then off to bed and the end of another great, albeit tiring, day. At least I got my exercise in for the week.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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