Sunday, June 19, 2011

Growing Up

A is starting to develop strong friendships with other girls in her inner circle, and this complicates domestic bliss because it means that N gets left out of the festivities. I knew this was going to happen at some point, and know it’s perfectly normal, I just feel bad for N. He is clearly bummed out about being left out, and I know we made this harder by wanting him to feel included with A’s friends in the past. The fact is, N is a little more shy, and is in awe of his big sister, who likes to be a leader. I think this makes it easier for N, I know it would for me. You just follow the leader’s lead.

The time has come, however, for separate paths to form, because the reality is, A is at that age where she is doing more things with her girl friends, and they don’t want the little brother tagging along. The little brother can’t understand why he’s suddenly not welcome, because when there is nobody else around, he’s called on to the faithful playmate. Life isn’t always fair, is it?

Either way, I’m glad A is developing these stronger links with her buddies. We just need to work a little harder at encouraging these friendships with N. He’s a little more on the shy side, but he’s also a jock, and sports open up doors for boys, especially when you’re reasonably competent.

Thus begins another chapter in the parental saga we know as our lives. Then again, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to RIC for the pic.

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