Sunday, June 19, 2011


We’ve had two days in a row of good weather, I can’t believe it. But as they say, gotta make hay while the sun shines, so I have to get out there and take care of things while it’s not pouring rain. I had this grand plan which fell to pieces because we got side-tracked, but I can’t complain because the distraction stemmed from having a really nice day.

When we woke up in the AM, the sun was shining and just like that, our outlook on life improved. Funny how a little sunshine can do that. I wanted to work more on the barn and mow the lawn. I even wheeled the mower out onto the grass to remind me. If there was time, there was firewood to work on, as well.

Anyway, before I started, we had dumpling stuff to take care of, so we had to go to White River Junction, but before that, the kids wanted to stop by the H’s house to drop off a movie that A made for CH. When he was over the other day, they made a film about Lego warriors flying through the air and exploding, so A downloaded it onto the computer and edited it into a movie. For the record, she did an amazing job.

Having burned the film onto a DVD, she wanted to bring a copy to CH, so we called and they said come on over. They loved the film. They were just hanging out, and asked if we could hang, too. The day was beautiful, and they are some of our favorite people in the world, so how could we say no? The kids took off running and I asked CH if she’d mind watching them while I ran my errands. She said she’d be happy to, so I jumped in the car and took off. A&N were not disappointed to see me go. Such is the life of a SAHD.

I drove into WRJ and went to Stern’s. I asked earlier in the week for dumpling wrappers, and they said they’d be in later in the week, but when I got there, they said they hadn’t come in on the truck. Bummer. Luckily, I didn’t need as many as before, and they had them on the rack, but it made me realize that nothing is sure thing in this world, and I am going to have to scramble once again this year to get the number of wrappers that I’ll need.

Oh well, what’s life without a little drama? I got back to the H’s and as expected, the kids were disappointed to see me, but that’s a good thing, because it means they were having a blast. We got in time for me to whip together some supper, and then afterward, I mowed some of the grass, but there’s still more to be done.

I can’t wait. Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Gareth Weeks for the pic.


The Brooklyn Dame said...

Happy Father's Day!

phredude said...

Hi Brooklyn Dame,

Thanks for the nice thoughts, and have a nice day.