Monday, July 4, 2011

Fifth Market and a Little Help From Our Friends

Thanks a bunch to the H’s for watching the kids on market day. We had our fifth market, and it was complicated by the fact that A had camp that didn’t end until the afternoon, so we couldn’t really pick her up. We would have had to have had pulled her out early, and she was bummed. One option would have been to ask a friend to pick her up and watch her until the end of the market, but N would have been even more bummed to be alone with mom and dad, and I can’t say I blame him.

Enter CH, our hero. She said she’d be happy to help, and agreed to pick up both the kids and watch them until we got home, which would have been around 7:00 that evening. The beauty of it is that our kids get along like a house on fire with her kids, so in a way, everyone wins. I love when that happens.

I tried to help out as much as possible and made some supper for them, even though she said it was not, in any way, necessary. I still did it, making a frittata and some cabbage stir fry with bratwurst. I learned later that her son didn’t like egg dishes (bummer), and I think the cabbage dish might have been a little too out there, but it’s the thought that counts, right?

N was beside himself about spending the afternoon with the H’s, and couldn’t wait to get there. I dropped him off and then headed to the market. Now the weather was slated to be nice until late afternoon, at which point thunder showers were predicted. In the end, however, we had perfect weather. Cool and cloudy, with brief periods of sunshine and no rain. It was fabulous, and the turnout was good.

I think the Summer students have arrived, and with the nice weather, our sales jumped back up from the previous weeks of steady decline. In fact, we sold out of all of our stocks, and now have the formidable task of re-stocking all of our dumplings in the following week. This is complicated by the fact that this weekend is the 4th of July, and there are all sorts of preparations for the big parade. We’ve been asked to help out on several fronts, but am not sure what we’ll be able to manage. We’ve also been invited to a BBQ, which happened months ago, but now that the time is arrived, of course I’m asking myself what I was thinking.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to michelle kwajafa for the pic.

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