Monday, July 18, 2011

Seventh Market and Socked Again by the Weather

We were slated to finally have good weather for a big city market, and then the day before, the forecast shifted and thunder showers were predicted. It’s almost as if the weather is mocking us. I don’t mind cloudy, and even a threat of rain, it’s the heat the kills me.

With that in mind, the weather was not that bad. In fact, with the cloud cover, it was cool and nice, and I’m not going to complain. For most, if not all, of the market, we had nice weather, and the crowds came accordingly. It wasn’t until near the end that the big storm clouds moved in, and then the rains poured down on us. We got soaked.

Up to that point, however, business was good. We sold out of every dumpling we had, and we could have sold more. In a funny way, it was good we sold out when we did, because we started to break down early, and by the time the rains came, we were pretty much packed up and ready to go. If we’d had more dumplings, we would have sold until the end, and then got caught in the rain. We got soaked anyway because we stuck around and helped out our neighbors, but the kids were safe and dry in the car, and at that point, you don’t mind getting soaked because all your stuff is packed away.

It was also the market that marked the return of A&N, who were missed by the vendors. People always ask us where the kids are, as do the customers. They are popular there, and rightfully so. They do a good job. In fact, they went over to Hogwash Farms to get some supper and she gave them too much change. A went back to give her the difference, and she was so impressed by her honesty that she gave them both t-shirts. They’re cool shirts, as well.

We’ve also been doing a pretty good job of bartering our dumplings for cupcakes with the Cupcake Queen. They do an amazing business, so it’s not a stretch for them to do a swap. For people operating on the margin, money talks, but when business is good, people seem to be more willing to barter.

Finally, A’s friend from camp showed up. He’s a really nice and interesting kid, so they got to play and it was a nice day up until the great flood arrived. Oh well, you have to make the most of what you’re given.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to mattnolt for the pic.

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