Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting It Done Academically

We scrambled to get our school stuff into the state, and as usual, regretted not getting it done sooner. Some things will never change. We were meeting with DE to do evaluations, and I figured it was a good time to get next year’s application in, as well. This meant coming up with a lesson plan for A, who along with her brother will be moving up the academic ladder. For N, it’s a little simpler, because he’s following in his sister’s footsteps, so devising a curriculum entails looking back and using A’s old plan as a guide. Making A’s plan, however, means starting from scratch.

Whenever I review what’s out there, I realize how much of the academic lingo is a lot of talk with no substance. I use the curricula that the schools use as a guide, just to see what is expected from certain age ranges. What you see a lot of is experts saying either the same thing over and over again, or essentially nothing at all, all under the guise of obtuse and esoteric language. It’s quite a chore just to read it all, much less understand and interpret it.

Whatever be the case, I managed to finish up the curricula and get them into the state. Sure, we’re late as usual, but not nearly as late as last year. Thank goodness for that. I’m sure we’ll hear from the powers that be regarding certain deficiencies in what I’ve submitted, but at least we’ll have something to work with in order to reach completion. It’s much harder working completely in the dark, which is the story of my life. All that’s left is to submit the year-end evaluations, and we are done for the previous academic year. That means we can look forward to another year of rigorous academics.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Piotr Lewandowski for the pic.

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