Friday, September 23, 2011

Let’s Not Forget About Schooling

It’s that time of year again. I have to get A&N’s school information in to the proper authorities, and this is a priority. Last year I was so late, I couldn’t help but think the people over in the homeschool office in Montpelier wanted to string me up. They didn’t say anything overtly, but I could tell they weren’t happy. If there’s one thing in life I’ve learned, you don’t want to piss off the people who have the power to make your life or hard.

I should be more on the ball, anyway, but I could always blame it on dumplings. Whatever be the case, I decided to step things up and get it done. It helps that we have to meet with DE to get our evaluations done. This motivates me to get next year’s stuff done, as well.

For the past few days I’ve been powering through the kid’s curriculum. It ain’t easy trying to figure out what kids are supposed to learn, you realize how much you’re allowed to tune out and relinquish any semblance of control over your kid’s education. What parent out there gives any thought to this sort of stuff? Normally you just dress your kids, make their lunch, and then see them again at supper. Who cares what you learned in school? Just pass the potatoes.

Okay, enough of my whining. It’s such a waste of time. My goal is to get the curriculum and enrollment forms done, then have the evaluations done ASAP. Once that’s done, and assuming (hoping?) that the state accepts what I’ve done, then I have all year to put everything off so I can stress out over this next September.

How’s that sound for a plan? Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Tiffany Szerpicki for the pic.

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