Friday, September 23, 2011

Working with I-KODI

Talk about putting things off, I need to get on this I-KODI website work. People are starting to inquire, and I need to take care of it before things spiral out of control. I don’t think we’re there, yet, but things may begin to simmer soon and at that point, it’s not long before they spiral out of control.

I believe I have the raw materials to put a website together. It’s not going to be exactly the same as the old one, but it should suffice, and once I get it together, it should be good enough. I hope. Might this be another situation where I scratch my head and wonder what I’ve gotten myself into?

At the very least, I’m glad I can help DO in his mission to build schools and infratstructure in his home village. At some point, maybe we can broaden our reach.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Robert Proksa for the pic.

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