Thursday, September 8, 2011

Skipping Out

Not that this took much coercing, but we skipped the big city market this week because of the weather. Now bear in mind, this is a double whammy in terms of positive attributes, because not only did we not have to deal with being at the market in the pouring rain, but now we are stocked up with dumplings for next week, meaning that we won’t have to go through the torture of making them all weekend. Wow, my outlook sure improved.

We did wrestle with the decision, however, because of the same reasons as always - we don’t want to disappoint our customers, we don’t want to piss off S, who has tore us a new one in the past, and finally, we feel it’s important to finish something you’ve started and man up to your responsibilities.

Having said that, the weather was supposed to be awful, which it was. The forecast called for rain all day, heavy by the afternoon. This meant setting up the tent in the rain, cooking dumplings in the rain, and trying to serve customers... you guessed it, in the rain. Talk about a bummer. The situation is aggravated by the fact that our tent leaks, and it’s not big enough to shelter customers, who stand on the edge and have water pouring down onto them. The dumplings get wet, we get wet, and then, at the end of the day, we have to break down the tent in the rain and load all the wet gear into the car.

Say no more. I was ready the night before to call it off, but we decided to wait until morning to decide. When we woke up, it was pouring, and that pretty much sealed the deal. Feeling guilty and all, I first checked with some of the other vendors, and some were going, others were not. At that point, it didn’t matter, I had set my mind to the fact that we were not going to do dumplings, and that sure felt good. There’s a message in there somewhere. Besides, with the pouring rain, no customers come out, and you literally sit around doing nothing while you get soaked. It’s torture for the kids.

And as I mentioned, we have all of our dumplings still in the freezer, so we are dumpling free this weekend. How cool is that? We should skip the market more often.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Kriss Szkurlatowski for the pic.

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