Saturday, December 31, 2011

Playing Pirates

We received this board game last year called Pirate King, and as we were trying to learn how to play, it dawned on us that it was rather complicated. The instruction sheet is long and convoluted, and there are so many rules that at some point we quit in frustration.

This year, N was insistent on giving it a go once again, and though we were a little reluctant, we set aside some time and went for it, and you know what? It turns out we love this game. Interestingly enough, what makes it so complicated also makes it more interesting. There’s a good lesson in life somewhere in there. Most games are quick and easy, but they burn out fast. You play them and you’re done. Pirate King requires more setup and engagement, but it’s a really interesting game, filled with strategy and planning. It’s a lot like Monopoly, and it seems like you could play it forever.

We played for hours, and over the course of a few days, and the board is still setup and waiting for us to finish the game. You have to love that.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.


Unknown said...

That is a great lesson. In this day and age we are all about instant gratification, and we become impatient if something takes more than a few minutes.

phredude said...


I agree, we need to learn patience, not just for the benefit of taking our time, but because we probably miss out on many experiences because our impatience makes us quit too soon.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.