Thursday, November 11, 2010

Clean Teeth and Sparring With the Dentist

A had her regular checkup at the dentist, whom for the record I really like, but I noticed that they really play hardball when it comes to certain things, and won't take no for an answer unless you are a real nuisance about it. It's like a boxing match, in a civil manner, of course. For the record, being a karate man and all, I'm confident that if I got into a fight with the hygienist, I could take her.

In the past, I've had to kick and scream and endure the scorn of both dentist and hygienist regarding sealants. I don't want them, and my stance has met with great resistance. They look at me like I'm crazy, but whatever be the case, I've had to make a stink and tell them not to do it. It's almost as if they don't care what I think, or think I'm out of my mind, which has some credibility.

This time around, they have this new fluoride treatment that R and N both had, and expressed dislike for it. I figured why put A through it, so mentioned to the hygienist that we would like to pass on it, and she wouldn't accept no for an answer. She just kept going on about how it was only yearly and it was good for her teeth, which I don't doubt.

However, I sometimes wonder if dentists, like doctors, who are all specialists, can't see the forest from the trees (is that how that expression goes?). In other words, being so preoccupied with avoiding cavities, might they overlooking the health consequences of putting some of that stuff in a person's body, much less a child?

I have no doubt that the dentist is looking out for the patients teeth, it's just that technology is not always the answer. Just look at all those drugs out there and the bad health consequences. Either way, I'm struck by how much they push their ways. It makes me defensive.

And I am NOT a defensive person.

On a bright note, A's teeth are cavity free and coming in beautifully. In fact, the dentist even said that the spacing was looking good, so we'll see. Also had a chance to chat with Dr. B about cooking and recipes, our usual MO. The guy is a gourmand, you can tell he loves food. Can't say I blame him.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Nadine Wegner for the pic.

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