Friday, November 5, 2010

Hearing From My Brother... I Think

N got a box a couple of days ago for his birthday, and even though it was a little late, it was a really nice surprise. The kids were thrilled. The thing is, the box came from my niece, and it looked like my brother's writing on the front.

Knowing that kids don't possess the most initiative when it comes to these matters, and it is usually the parents who remember family birthdays, the question becomes, was it my niece's mom, my brother's ex, or my brother who was behind this?

Of course, my first inclination is to think it was her mom, because my brother is a big fat selfish slob who has never once in the past remembered N's birthday, or for that matter, anyone else's. My brother even went to great lengths to ignore the day that N was born, which I found unconscionable. To suddenly receive a gift makes me wonder what exactly is going on.

The question becomes, does it matter?

Of course it does, I'd like to know. I tried contacting my brother's ex, but she never replied. I could call her but at some point you have to ask yourself what exactly is the point. I guess I'm just curious, because my brother really is a peculiar character.

I'll probably investigate this a little further. In the meantime, thanks for reading, and thanks to Svilen Milev for the pic.

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