Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fiscal Responsibility

We went to the bank the other day to deposit the kids' savings, and there were some good lessons involved. Part of the problem stems from the fact that some of the kids' friends get to spend their own money. They even shop on EBay, which I find ludicrous for an 11 year old, but that's just me. Then again, it could be just talk. In fact, it's very likely.

Either way, the seed has been planted, and the kids want to spend. We are reluctant to let this happen for numerous reasons, but don't want to be mean and unfair, either, so we came up with a plan. The kids get allowance every week for helping around the house. They can now put aside a percentage of that to spend, the rest of which will go to the bank.

When they counted up their money, it really struck A that N had so much more money than she did. In fact, it really bummed her out. She tends to spend her money, granted on things for other people, which is really nice, but that adds up. I think the moment really spoke to her, because she decided that she wasn't going to spend any more money.

I had this urge to step in and just make up the difference, but in feeling the bite of spending her savings, she really learned a good lesson, and will now (hopefully) change her ways accordingly.

Wow, it feels good to stop being an overbearing parent once in awhile. Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Steven Goodwin for the pic.

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