Thursday, November 18, 2010

Reading Machine

It has generally been the provenance of A, but recently N has become a bit of a reading machine. We are very pleased about this development, and can now start looking for books that are specifically geared towards him as his interests grow.

For now, he seems to like simpler, more basic stories and comics and graphic novels, but A was that way in the beginning, as well, and she still loves them. The important thing is that N likes to read, is following a story, and can get absorbed in whatever he is reading. This a great development, especially in light of the fact that getting him interested in books was a little more challenging than it was with his sister, who simply devours books.

I think he will always be a more physical and active person, but at least he can sit still long enough to finish a story and get lost in a book. I'll take it.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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