Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ordering Karate Gear

A is getting more serious about karate, and of course she needed sparring equipment to continue her training to be a lethal weapon. Naturally, we turned to Karate Depot for our needs. There is a martial arts store at the dojo in West Leb, but it's hard to beat the selection you get online. Plus, their shipping prices can't be beat. A did indicate that she didn't want any gear that had the word "Macho" on it, and I completely understand.

Since A already had her gi, next up were gloves and headgear. The sets they sell seemed to be the best way to go, so we also got her foot protection and a mouth guard. Not that she's ready for it, but competitions require mouth protection, and from my own personal experience, protecting those feet during sparring is not a bad idea. The kids don't kick that hard, but I've sparred with people in my class and always manage to nail an elbow or knee, and man does it hurt.

Anyway, A can't wait to get her stuff. I'm excited for her, too. It adds to the fun having your own gear, and a great way for her to really enjoy herself while she learns.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to jason hulme for the pic.

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