Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Getting Confused but Serendipity Steps In

Sometimes I don’t know where my head is at, and it could be a symptom of getting old, but there are times I think I’m losing my mind. N had lacrosse yesterday and for whatever reason I thought it was at 5:30, when in fact it’s always been at 5:00. I was even trying to find ways to kill time because I didn’t want to get there too early. Finally, there was some question as to whether there would even be practice, because it was raining all day, and they had cancelled baseball.
In my defense, we had just come from track, and we had to stop at the rec center to pick up his lacrosse shorts, so we were running around a bit. I also had to have supper ready to go when we got home afterward, and we were blowing off karate, which is a bummer. So many things to think about, but that doesn’t mean much to a kid when his dad gets him to practice late. He was not happy, and neither was I.

As it turns out, however, we got a stroke of good luck in that his practice actually started late. The girls lacrosse team went late, so the boys started late. We were about twenty minutes late, but from what I could gather, only missed about 5-10 minutes of practice. N hates getting late to games and practice.

A wanted to come and watch lacrosse practice, as well, so I was a little concerned that she’d be bored, but I think she liked it. Truth be told, she is at the age, or is approaching it, where a girl’s interest in boys is changing, but I’ll leave it at that. I can’t say for sure what her motivations are for wanting to attend lacrosse practice, but suffice it to say that her buddies are boy crazy, so it’s not outside the realm of possibilities.

In the end, it all worked out fine, N wasn’t so mad, and even afterward became defensive when I mentioned his anger. He claims he wasn’t that mad, and he didn’t miss that much, either. All’s well that ends well, right? Sometimes.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to maddy3m for the pic.

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