Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sick During Karate

We had the final class the other night before the big testing date, and I think A is for the most part ready, though she just needs a little polishing. I think she’s really excited.

Not too many people in the class, though EC showed up, we missed him. Since I was sick as a dog, I got a sense that Master H was going easy on me. CH was also absent because he hurt his back, so there were only five of us. Though the big classes have good energy, I think you really get more out of it as a student when the class is small because you get more focused attention.

Now we just have to go over what needs to be done and we’ll be all set. There are tons of things going this weekend, as well, so things will once again be crazy, but that’s our life for you.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to evah smit for the pic.

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