Sunday, December 19, 2010

Striving for Zen

I’ve been reading more and more about meditation and Zen practices, and I have to confess, I find it all incredibly intriguing. Something about the whole mind/body interaction that I think has valid health benefits, especially for a stressed out neurotic dad as myself.

At the very least, I’d like to learn to calm my mind a bit (i.e., meditate), and have been reading up on the subject, so we shall see. Plus, it kind of falls in line with all my studies in martial arts. I don’t know where this one is going to go, but at least I like thinking about it, and I'm enjoying the rid. I’d better go back and start watching old episodes of Kung Fu to get ready.

“Only then, grasshopper, will you be ready...”

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Thomas Pate for the pic.

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